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2020 OKA Season In Review

My Grandfather use to always say " The years go by faster as you get older", and as the years add up this cannot be more true. The OKA released the 2020 schedule last October and worked hard to gather new sponsors, keep longtime sponsors and recruit new anglers and maintain the familiar hammers the OKA sees on a season to season basis. Now with a flip of a page on the calendar the OKA looks forward to 2021. Kayak fishing in Oklahoma has taken a steady increase over the past few years and we as group expected a big season with a revamped board, social media presence, and sponsorships. However, the OKA did not expect the outpouring of support and attendance from anglers across the state and region. Some put the huge turn outs mostly on Covid - 19 and that may be true. Still the interest must be present for people to participate and judging by 2020 we have a ton of interest. 

The 2020 season kicked off March 23rd at Lake Murray in southern, Oklahoma. As normal, high cold winds dominated the days following the tournament along with national, state and local "guidelines", due to the pandemic. Nonetheless, these matters didn't phase 76 Oklahomans from signing up and participating in a new season. This number would set an OKA attendance record from pre-tourneyx days which was previously in the low 60s set in 2016 at Lake Konawa. 2020 had more high marks throughout the season. The lowest attended event was at Birch Lake with 51 anglers for comparison the 2019 Season Opener had 53 anglers. The average attendance for 8 live events in 2020 was 65.5 anglers which is a huge boost from the 2019 total of 35.5. This meant the OKA could finally provide good payouts to its top anglers. The first place payout averaged $941.75 and saw up to 8 anglers paid in the OKIE Road Runner. Short and sweet OKA anglers got paid this year! 

The state of Oklahoma has so much good fishable water it is impossible for one angler to be able to fish it all with a good grasp of every creek, hollow, river, pocket, or cove. This lends itself to the great and hardworking kayak anglers of Oklahoma. To see this in real life just go take a peak at the statewide online events Toadfest and Dog Days. I will write about those another day. OKA anglers scored a total of 1,488 fish in 8 live events with an average of 86" to take first place. Moreover, it took an average of a 21.50" bass to take home Big Bass honors. I hope you enjoyed this 2020 season and we will see ya in 2021! Tight Lines!  



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