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Eskridge Chevrolet to Sponsor the Big Bass Clash: No Entry Fee

If you think 2021 cant get any better, it just did. Eskridge Chevrolet in Guthrie has made a huge donation to the Oklahoma Kayak Anglers and just wait till you hear how much! Eskridge donated $2,000 to the Big Bass Clash which will allow qualifying anglers to forgo an entry fee. Yes, that's correct anglers who qualify for the Big Bass Clash will not pay an entry fee for the tournament. The $2,000 donation will be used as the payout purse for the top 5 anglers. However, there is a small registration fee of $7 dollars that anglers will pay on tourneyx, $5 of which will go to tourneyx and $1.93 will go to PayPal.

Eskridge Chevrolet in Guthrie sells new and preowned vehicles and also provides a great service department. Eskridge General Manager Justin Pence and OKA Board Member Michael Galbraith Sr. have forged a relationship built around telling fish stories. "I got the idea after purchasing my second vehicle from Eskridge", Galbraith said. " Most of the guys were very eager to talk fishing whenever I came in."  As stated above Galbraith Sr. just recently purchased his second vehicle from Eskridge and that's when Galbraith reached out for a potential partnership with the OKA and Eskridge. " I asked the GM and he asked for a proposal and the rest is history!" 

Go Checkout their site:

The Big Bass Clash is a new and exciting tournament for the 2021 OKA season. The 2 day derby will feature a 35 mile radius road runner on day 1 and day 2 will be on well known big bass lakes Dripping Springs and Okmulgee. Anglers can qualify for the the Big Bass Clash by scoring a 20" bass in Toadfest or Spawnfest online events. Good luck and tight lines! 

Read more about the Big Bass Clash by following the tourneyx link: 2021 OKA Big Bass Clash Presented by Eskridge Chevrolet

2021 OKA Big Bass Clash Presented by Eskridge Chevrolet Payout:

1st Place: $1,000

2nd Place: $400

3rd Place: $300

4th Place: $200

5th Place: $100


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